Explanation of the Emblem

Cross – which denotes positivity towards life, specially   empowering women through health education and also it signifies the restoration of health.

Lamp – it’s a symbol of holistic nursing care of the pioneer Florence Nightingale which by itself   illuminates the whole being, it shines and guides the way to fullness.

Arise Care Life: These words awaken each student to motivate their skills and time to enrich their own life at present with knowledge of science. It is a call on the educator to care the humanity with their skillful knowledge and the newer technologies. It emphasizes to dedicate one’s own self to enlighten the seekers of health.


B l u e colour illustrates the higher aspirations towards the reality i.e. God or Supreme power.

W h i t e signifies the purity in mind and service.

R e d colour reveals the sacrificial commitment to the humanity.